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Heucheras And Heucherellas: Coral Bells And Foamy Bells
博客來-Heucheras And Heucherellas: Coral Bells And Foamy Bells博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010306877
Few perennials have undergone as dramatic a "makeover" as heucheras (coral bells) and their hybrids with tiarellas (foamflowers), the heucherellas (foamy bells). Drawn mainly from diminutive forest-dwelling species with small white flowers and unremarkable foliage, these woodlanders and crevice dwellers are now among the most popular plants in nurseries around the world. Dan Heims and Grahame Ware not only provide background on the wild species of Heuchera, they also tell how these plants were developed into the garden stars they are today, with an appreciative nod to the breeders who revolutionized the plants' characteristics. The book's main feature is extensive listings of the choice selections and hybrids available commercially; practical chapters on garden care, propagation, and design uses round out this fascinating account. Gardeners looking for the drab and colorless need not trouble themselves with this book — the first ever on these striking plants.
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